Trusted worldwide by over
25 Million Users

Free Anti-Malware Protection 2025

Remove Malware, Viruses, Adware and Spyware Threats.

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A Full Security Suite To Protect Your Digital Life

Our Antivirus engine is trusted by millions of people across the globe. With daily virus definition updates, real-time antivirus protection, and outstanding virus rate, you can rest assured your digital security is in good hands

Our advanced anti-malware engine will protect your digital world against infections caused by many types of malware
Real-Time Antivirus
Scan and instantly block threats in real-time before they get a chance to infect your system (Premium Feature)
Spyware Removal
Spyware software's sole purpose is to gather information about you to share it with other entities that can financially benefit from it
Adware Cleaner
Adware, or software created to aggressively advertise at you, is often unknowingly downloaded and can be very hard to remove
Avoid becoming a victim of malicious attacks which encrypt users files and demand a ransom payment to decrypt them
Data Breach Search
We can identify if your email & passwords have been compromised as part of an online data breach
Advanced WebShield
Advanced protection against malicious websites and block attempts to steal your personal information
100% Compatible
Benefit from our advanced antivirus protection across your desktop computer, laptop, smartphone & tablet


We all want our Systems at their full potential. Whether it be your smartphone, laptop or tablet, we have some great features to help you improve your devices performance

Faster Computer
Reduced startup times, reduced lag, and faster high CPU program running times
Eliminate Tracking Cookies
Although tracking cookies are not directly harmful, they do raise privacy concerns which we can help to overcome
Junk Cleaner
While junk files do not cause any harm, they waste disk space unnecessarily and can safely be cleaned from your system
Browser Cleanup
Cleaning your browser data will improve security and speed

Award Winning Antivirus Protection

We test the premium version of TotalAV™ Antivirus Pro alongside the world's leading antivirus software providers to ensure that we provide our users with impenetrable protection. The results achieved speak for themselves and really helps showcase the benefits of our premium antivirus.

Ultra Fast Antivirus Software

TotalAV™ Antivirus is a free to use antivirus packed with all the essential features to find & remove malware keeping you safe.

  • Rapid install speed avoiding interruptions
  • Keep gaming, image and video editing and other resource-intensive activities
  • Powerful on-demand protection packed into a light solution
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100% Malware Detection

In the June 2022 VB100 test, TotalAV successfully detected 100% of malicious samples in all tested sample sets, along with a 0% false positive score, thus attaining a perfect score. We look forward to seeing how its testing journey continues.

June 2022

Protect your PC from all the latest malware threats
Apple Mac®
Antivirus & internet security with TotalAV™ for Mac
VPN internet security for Your iPhone or iPad
Android Devices
Remove malware and viruses from your Android device

Security Enhancements

Cybersecurity doesn't just end with Antivirus, at TotalAV™ we have a wide range of security features which are explained below.

Password Vault
Never lose a password again with this handy security add-on. Store all your passwords securely in one place with Password Vault
Ad Block Pro
Fed up with annoying and intrusive adverts disrupting your browsing or watching. Use Ad Block Pro to automatically remove them
Safe Browsing (VPN)
Safe Browsing (VPN) encrypts your browsing data, making you anonymous and impossible to track or hack
ID Protection
Our Identity Protection service will monitor your personal information, Should it fall into cybercriminals hand we will alert you