Trustpilot TotalAV

Protect Your Privacy & Stay Safe Online

The fastest and simplest way for you to stay safe online, and on-the-go today
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Safe Browsing VPN

Don't Let Governments Know Your Online Activity

TotalAV's SafeBrowsing VPN is the fastest and simplest way for you to stay safe, and anonymous online today. Instantly hide your physical location preventing snoopers & hackers accessing your personal information.

Adblock Pro

Stop Intrusive Adverts Monitoring Your Activity

Ad Block Pro's advanced security extension now allows you to remove annoying and intrusive ads and pop-up windows without disrupting your browsing experience, so you can focus on the content you want to see.

Data Breach Monitoring

Protect Your Identity and Personal Information

Every year, billions of login credentials are exposed and stolen from hacked websites. Protect your identity with TotalAV Data Breach Monitoring, and be alerted if your data is found in new data breaches worldwide.

Your Protection, is Our Priority

Award-Winning Antivirus Protection from Malicious Malware, Phising Sites & Online Threats

Free Download

Our advanced anti-malware engine will protect your digital world against infections caused by many types of malware.


Avoid becoming a victiom of malicious attacks which encrypt users files and demand a ransom payment to decrypt them.


Spyware softwares sole purpose is to gather information about you to share it with other entities that can financially benefit from it.


Adware, or software created to aggressively advertise at you, is often unknowingly downloaded and can be very hard to remove.